Suds and scrub
I love this yarn. It works up well and is great for cleaning dishes in the kitchen or to use cleaning the sink in the bathroom.
I love this yarn. It works up well and is great for cleaning dishes in the kitchen or to use cleaning the sink in the bathroom.
i make scrubbies with them and people love them
I love this yarn. It works up well and is great for cleaning dishes in the kitchen or to use cleaning the sink in the bathroom.
i make scrubbies with them and people love them
The yarn is thicker and colors are truer
Great for scrubbies
have started working on a scrubbie and it is looking great.
Love to do my dishes with this yarn. Love making scrubby pads with this .
I love your scrubbie yarn. It is so pretty and works up nicely. It sparkles too. THANK YOU
I love this yarn, I make body scrubs with this yarn. Great color selection.
This yarn is to finish my Christmas projects. I love working with this yarn. THANK YOU
I simply love making all my friends Scrubys for their kitchen sinks. Even the guys who do the dishes love them.
Kits Made With This Yarn: