Bubble Bead Basics
Beading crafts take on a new dimension with Bubble Beads™! These easy-to-manipulate beads can be strung together to create colorful 3-D objects. Herrschners offers dozens of exclusive kits, from seasonal projects to cute characters to useful home décor items.
Each kit contains Bubble Beads, monofilament, and instructions for your project. Following the instructions, you string the monofilament through the Bubble Beads and string them together into connected circles to create your project. Working with Bubble Beads is easy with just a few basic techniques.
R-String: With the required number of beads on the right end, string the left end back through the last bead on the right side to create a ring. Pull tight.
L-String: Weave the left end through the bead directly to the left. You will now have connected multiple beads on the monofilament. Note: Some areas may require you to weave through multiple beads. For example, a 2-bead L-String would require you to weave the left end through 2 beads to the left.
U-String: Put the indicated number of beads onto the indicated end, use this end to loop around the monofilament between the specified beads and back up through the last bead just put on.
Check out the video below for an animated demonstration of each technique, as well as example instructions for how to combine them. Then get started on creating fun and colorful projects for your home!