Hardanger bell pull
I am starting to learn how to do Hardanger. My instructor suggested this one to start with. It looks simple enough for a beginner piece.
I am starting to learn how to do Hardanger. My instructor suggested this one to start with. It looks simple enough for a beginner piece.
Design size: 3½ x 10½" (8.9 x 26.7cm)
Stitch count: 50w x 145h
Model fabric: 28-ct. Wheaten Country French Linen by Wichelt Imports (stitched over two threads)
Materials needed to complete: cross-stitch fabric, Caron Watercolors threads, Caron Wildflowers threads, DMC cotton embroidery floss, fabric for backing, fabric for liner to match colors of needlework, trim with flange, tassel to match trim, and dowel rod with decorative ends or ready-made bell pull rod
This is a downloadable pattern, first published in the March 2005 issue of Stitcher’s World magazine. Supplies used to stitch this pattern were available at the time of publication. However, you may need to find substitutes if supplies are no longer available.